I left my house at 6.30 pm on Friday with 21 kroner in hand. The bus ride is 29, but the driver was a nice guy and he let me get on anyway (he even asked for my number, but I told him I am leaving the country so there is really no point in it. :) )
My flight from Stavanger to Oslo was delayed due to bad weather conditions in Oslo. These are the moments when I am thankful for a long layover between flights. So, we arrived to Gardemoen (Oslo's airport) shortly after 10 pm. The check-in counters and transit area are closed for the night (how silly!!!) so I had to spend the night with my big suitcase, my carry-on bag and my laptop. I had a really good "poelse" for dinner (Norwegian version of hot dog with fried onions, shrimp salad and sweet mustard) then I walked around for 30 min to find a socket for my computer. Finally I found one right next to a check-in counter. Since the hall was empty I thought I give it a try and sit in their chair. :) You won't believe me, but I was sitting there for 5 hours watching Heroes season 4 on my laptop without anybody even finding it odd! :)) Just a side note, I love that series and I was so happy to see Sylar coming back. I know I know, he is the bad guy, but hey, good girls are often attracted to bad guys, specially if they have dark hair and dark eyes...)
Around 5 am I checked in my big bag and went to the waiting area. The flight to Frankfurt was short and uneventful - thank God. Frankfurt airport... or as known among world travelers, the "worst European airport" lives up to his name. Man, it is amazing how easy it is to get lost there. I went through 3 check points where they asked me for my address in the US, but apparently each time I had to spell that one out for them again and again. Wonder if they were just bored... ;) I had a lovely chat in German with one of the shop assistants there and to my surprise the words were coming to me in Norwegian first. Yay!
Once the boarding started I was face to face with a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. What can I say? It was beautiful. Really, from every angle. Even the economic class seats are comfortable and relatively big. I was next to the window, little behind the wings so I had a pretty good view. As the plane was about to take off, we could hear the engines firing up and suddenly this massive masterpiece started to run. No matter how many times I have flown before, it never seizes to amaze me how these huge iron birds conquer the laws of physics. Unbelievable.
We flew for 10 hours, mostly around 1000 km/h, about 11000 meter above sea level. There were moments when I could have glimpse of Greenland, all covered in snow. Other times I watched movies like Julie and Julia (I think that movie haunts me...) and Wild Hogs with Tim Allen (now, this movie I loved from the first second to the end credits. Highly recommended if you wanna see REAL MEN. :) ) I had salmon with red wine for lunch - a nice surprise on Lufthansa!
Houston welcomed us with a bright sunny day and surprisingly low temperature. I was told to "bring only a light sweater just in case" but it was freezing. Hopefully it will improve soon. Entering the US seemed easy this time. The Chinese guy who did customs asked me for the reason of my visit. I was tired so I told him the first thing that came to mind: "I live in Norway. It's dark and cold there now. I wanted a change." He laughed at that and welcomed me to Texas. Cheers, God is good!
We drove home and I went straight to bed. I woke up around 3 am (that was 10 am according to my body) but I quickly convinced my body that it's still early. The next time I woke up the clock said 11.30. after a hot shower and proper breakfast we drove to McDonald's for some coffee. I am NOT a fan of said fast food chain, but they had free refills and the coffee was quite good so we stayed there for a while. I am using the Internet here while Shawn tries to explain me the point in a game called (incorrectly) football. :) So, touch down for now folks...
Ez csak egy rovid beszamolo az utamrol. Siman, epsegben megerkeztem Houstonba, igaz, hosszu volt az ut, de turheto. Pentek este fel hetkor jottem el otthonrol, 21 korona volt a zsebemben, a buszjegy ara 29, de a sofor jo fej volt, felengedett. meg a szamomat is el akarta kerni, de hamar meggyoztem, hogy epp elhagyni keszulok az orszagot, vagyis feleslegesen teper. :)
Az elso utam rogton 1 oras kesessel indult, mivel Osloban hatalmas hovihar volt. Na, ilyenkor nem banom, hogy a 2 ut kozott hosszabb ido telik el. Kicsivel 10 utan ertunk Gardemoenre (Oslo reptere), ahol a becsekkolas meg a tranzit resz ejjelre bezar (micsoda hulyeseg!). Szoval, reggel 6-ig voilt idom a nagy boronddel meg a kezipoggyasszal meg a laptomommal. Vacsorora ettem egy igen fincsa "poelse-t" (ez a norveg megfeleloje a hot dog-nak, plusz ezen van raksalata, szaritott-piritott hagyma es edes mustar). Kb 30 percig jarkaltam korbe-korbe a repteren, mire talaltam egy konnektort, hogy a gepemet bekapcsoljam. vegul talaltam egyet a becsekkolos pultnal. Mivel a terem ures volt, gondoltam, miert ne... beulok a szekbe, es meglatjuk, mikor dobnak ki. Nem fogjatok elhinni, ott ultem 5 oran keresztul anelkul, hogy barki is megszolitott volna! A Hosok cimu sorozat negyedik evadat neztem, es csak zarojelben jegyeznem meg, hogy nagyon orulok annak, hogy sylar visszatert. Tudom, tudom, o a rossz fiu, de hat nem ugy tortenik, hogy a jo langyok a rossz fiukra buknak? Kulonosen, ha ilyen kifejezo sotet szemuk meg sotet hajuk van...
Hajnali 5 korul vegre leadtam a nagy borondot es atmentem a tranzitba. a reulout Frankfurtba esemenytelenul telt, hala Istennek. De a Frankfurti repter... nem veletlenul hivjak ezt "Europa legroszabb repterenek" - joggal. Orulet, mennyire egyszeru itt eltevedni. 3 ellenorzesi ponton mentem keresztul, mindenutt bediktaltam az amcsi cimet, ahol lakni fogok, de ugy latszik, vagya rendszernek nem tetszett, vagy az orok unatkoztak... Az egyik boltban elbeszelgettem egy eladoval nemetul, es megdobbentem, hogy nemet helyett eloszor norvegul jottek a szavak a szamra. :) Hurra!
Beszallas elott szemtol szemben alltam egy hatalmas Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet-tel. Mit is mondhatnek. GYonyoru! Minden szempontbol! Meg a turista olsztalyon is kenyelmes, aranylag nagy ulesek vannak, a szarny mogott ultem, ahonnan jo kilatas nyilt. Felszallaskor lehetett hallani, ahogy beinditjak a hatalmas turbinakat es szinte azonnal ez a hatalas mestermu gurulni kezdett. Fuggetlenul attol, hanyszor repultem mar, tovabbra is lenyugoz, amint ezek az oriasi vasmadarak legyozik a fizika torvenyeit. Hihetelen!
10 oran at repultunk atlagosan 11000 meter magasan 1000 km/h sebesseggel. neha megpillantottam Gronland hofodte teruleteit, maskor filmeket neztem. (Julie es Julia, ami nagyon aranyos, vagy Wild Hogs Tim Allen foszereplesevel. Na, ezt mindenkinek csak javasolni tudom, igen jo film az IGAZI PASIKROL) :) Ebedre lazacot ettem voros borral - koszonet a Lufthansanak!
Houstonban napsuteses ido vart minket es meglepoen hideg volt. Azt mondtak nekem, "csak egy konnyu pulcsit hozzal". Remelem, az ido hamarosan javulni fog. A belepes ezuttal siman ment. Egy kinai pasi vegezte az interjut, megkerdezte, miert jovok ide. En faradt voltam, es az elso gondolat, ami a szamra jott: "figyi, en Norvegiaban elek, ott sotet van es hideg. Kellett a valtozas!" O csak nevetett es mondta, hogy "Isten hozott Texasban". Hurra, Isten jo!
A barataim hazavittek es en egybol aludni mentem. Hajnali 3 korul felkeltem (ami ugye nekem 10 ora volt), de hamar meggyoztem a testemet, hogy koran van meg, ideje visszaauldni. Legkozelebb fel 12-kor keltem fel ismet, ezuttal mar zuhanyoztam is, reggeliztunk is, es mentunk a Mekibe egy kaveert. Nos, tudjatok, mennyir enem szeretem ezt a ceget, de a kavejuk meglepoen jo volt, ingyen ujratoltik ha kered, es az internet is ingyen van. Most epp innen irok, Shawn meg nezi a tv-ben a helytelenul focinak csufolt amcsi jatekot. Most probalja eppen megmagyarazni nekem a lenyeget. :) Na, majd folytatom.
Around 5 am I checked in my big bag and went to the waiting area. The flight to Frankfurt was short and uneventful - thank God. Frankfurt airport... or as known among world travelers, the "worst European airport" lives up to his name. Man, it is amazing how easy it is to get lost there. I went through 3 check points where they asked me for my address in the US, but apparently each time I had to spell that one out for them again and again. Wonder if they were just bored... ;) I had a lovely chat in German with one of the shop assistants there and to my surprise the words were coming to me in Norwegian first. Yay!
Once the boarding started I was face to face with a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. What can I say? It was beautiful. Really, from every angle. Even the economic class seats are comfortable and relatively big. I was next to the window, little behind the wings so I had a pretty good view. As the plane was about to take off, we could hear the engines firing up and suddenly this massive masterpiece started to run. No matter how many times I have flown before, it never seizes to amaze me how these huge iron birds conquer the laws of physics. Unbelievable.
We flew for 10 hours, mostly around 1000 km/h, about 11000 meter above sea level. There were moments when I could have glimpse of Greenland, all covered in snow. Other times I watched movies like Julie and Julia (I think that movie haunts me...) and Wild Hogs with Tim Allen (now, this movie I loved from the first second to the end credits. Highly recommended if you wanna see REAL MEN. :) ) I had salmon with red wine for lunch - a nice surprise on Lufthansa!
Houston welcomed us with a bright sunny day and surprisingly low temperature. I was told to "bring only a light sweater just in case" but it was freezing. Hopefully it will improve soon. Entering the US seemed easy this time. The Chinese guy who did customs asked me for the reason of my visit. I was tired so I told him the first thing that came to mind: "I live in Norway. It's dark and cold there now. I wanted a change." He laughed at that and welcomed me to Texas. Cheers, God is good!
We drove home and I went straight to bed. I woke up around 3 am (that was 10 am according to my body) but I quickly convinced my body that it's still early. The next time I woke up the clock said 11.30. after a hot shower and proper breakfast we drove to McDonald's for some coffee. I am NOT a fan of said fast food chain, but they had free refills and the coffee was quite good so we stayed there for a while. I am using the Internet here while Shawn tries to explain me the point in a game called (incorrectly) football. :) So, touch down for now folks...
Ez csak egy rovid beszamolo az utamrol. Siman, epsegben megerkeztem Houstonba, igaz, hosszu volt az ut, de turheto. Pentek este fel hetkor jottem el otthonrol, 21 korona volt a zsebemben, a buszjegy ara 29, de a sofor jo fej volt, felengedett. meg a szamomat is el akarta kerni, de hamar meggyoztem, hogy epp elhagyni keszulok az orszagot, vagyis feleslegesen teper. :)
Az elso utam rogton 1 oras kesessel indult, mivel Osloban hatalmas hovihar volt. Na, ilyenkor nem banom, hogy a 2 ut kozott hosszabb ido telik el. Kicsivel 10 utan ertunk Gardemoenre (Oslo reptere), ahol a becsekkolas meg a tranzit resz ejjelre bezar (micsoda hulyeseg!). Szoval, reggel 6-ig voilt idom a nagy boronddel meg a kezipoggyasszal meg a laptomommal. Vacsorora ettem egy igen fincsa "poelse-t" (ez a norveg megfeleloje a hot dog-nak, plusz ezen van raksalata, szaritott-piritott hagyma es edes mustar). Kb 30 percig jarkaltam korbe-korbe a repteren, mire talaltam egy konnektort, hogy a gepemet bekapcsoljam. vegul talaltam egyet a becsekkolos pultnal. Mivel a terem ures volt, gondoltam, miert ne... beulok a szekbe, es meglatjuk, mikor dobnak ki. Nem fogjatok elhinni, ott ultem 5 oran keresztul anelkul, hogy barki is megszolitott volna! A Hosok cimu sorozat negyedik evadat neztem, es csak zarojelben jegyeznem meg, hogy nagyon orulok annak, hogy sylar visszatert. Tudom, tudom, o a rossz fiu, de hat nem ugy tortenik, hogy a jo langyok a rossz fiukra buknak? Kulonosen, ha ilyen kifejezo sotet szemuk meg sotet hajuk van...
Hajnali 5 korul vegre leadtam a nagy borondot es atmentem a tranzitba. a reulout Frankfurtba esemenytelenul telt, hala Istennek. De a Frankfurti repter... nem veletlenul hivjak ezt "Europa legroszabb repterenek" - joggal. Orulet, mennyire egyszeru itt eltevedni. 3 ellenorzesi ponton mentem keresztul, mindenutt bediktaltam az amcsi cimet, ahol lakni fogok, de ugy latszik, vagya rendszernek nem tetszett, vagy az orok unatkoztak... Az egyik boltban elbeszelgettem egy eladoval nemetul, es megdobbentem, hogy nemet helyett eloszor norvegul jottek a szavak a szamra. :) Hurra!
Beszallas elott szemtol szemben alltam egy hatalmas Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet-tel. Mit is mondhatnek. GYonyoru! Minden szempontbol! Meg a turista olsztalyon is kenyelmes, aranylag nagy ulesek vannak, a szarny mogott ultem, ahonnan jo kilatas nyilt. Felszallaskor lehetett hallani, ahogy beinditjak a hatalmas turbinakat es szinte azonnal ez a hatalas mestermu gurulni kezdett. Fuggetlenul attol, hanyszor repultem mar, tovabbra is lenyugoz, amint ezek az oriasi vasmadarak legyozik a fizika torvenyeit. Hihetelen!
10 oran at repultunk atlagosan 11000 meter magasan 1000 km/h sebesseggel. neha megpillantottam Gronland hofodte teruleteit, maskor filmeket neztem. (Julie es Julia, ami nagyon aranyos, vagy Wild Hogs Tim Allen foszereplesevel. Na, ezt mindenkinek csak javasolni tudom, igen jo film az IGAZI PASIKROL) :) Ebedre lazacot ettem voros borral - koszonet a Lufthansanak!
Houstonban napsuteses ido vart minket es meglepoen hideg volt. Azt mondtak nekem, "csak egy konnyu pulcsit hozzal". Remelem, az ido hamarosan javulni fog. A belepes ezuttal siman ment. Egy kinai pasi vegezte az interjut, megkerdezte, miert jovok ide. En faradt voltam, es az elso gondolat, ami a szamra jott: "figyi, en Norvegiaban elek, ott sotet van es hideg. Kellett a valtozas!" O csak nevetett es mondta, hogy "Isten hozott Texasban". Hurra, Isten jo!
A barataim hazavittek es en egybol aludni mentem. Hajnali 3 korul felkeltem (ami ugye nekem 10 ora volt), de hamar meggyoztem a testemet, hogy koran van meg, ideje visszaauldni. Legkozelebb fel 12-kor keltem fel ismet, ezuttal mar zuhanyoztam is, reggeliztunk is, es mentunk a Mekibe egy kaveert. Nos, tudjatok, mennyir enem szeretem ezt a ceget, de a kavejuk meglepoen jo volt, ingyen ujratoltik ha kered, es az internet is ingyen van. Most epp innen irok, Shawn meg nezi a tv-ben a helytelenul focinak csufolt amcsi jatekot. Most probalja eppen megmagyarazni nekem a lenyeget. :) Na, majd folytatom.
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